[1] - Click "Try your first month FREE" at https://www.cvs.com/carepass/join [2] - Create an account or login ( doesn't work if you've previously used Care pass ) ( create a second card ) [3] - Sign up for a one-month free trial of Care pass once you've gotten accepted ( make sure to cancel after the items arrive ) ( Free cash prepaids do not function, and other prepaids may as well; if this is the case, use your primary card.) [4] - Find what you're looking for and make sure your subtotal is greater than $10. (It can be even 1 cent) [5] - Apply your $10 coupon at checkout, and then check out if you want free shipping. You must have at least one item eligible for free shipping with care pass; to find this quickly, look at the options below. However, pickup is also an option, and you won't need a care pass eligible item. [6] - Plowable on different devices with different cards